What I’m Reading

All Those In Favor, Say Something!
by Runa Erwin Ware
(nonfiction) {women’s clubs, anecdotes} [physical copy]

The Bible

The Books You Read: Professional Edition
edited by Charles E. “T.” Jones
(nonfiction) {books and reading, anecdotes} [physical copy]

Every Day Is A Gift
by Various
(daily devotional) [physical copy]

Jumping In
by Libby Lazewnik
(short stories) {children’s fiction, Jewish} [online book]

A Made-over Chelsea
by Hilda Stahl
(full-length fiction) {children’s fiction, Christian, Protestant, no denomination given.} [online book]

Mama’s Way
by Thyra Ferre Bjorn
(nonfiction) {Christianity, autobiographical, homespun} [online book]

The Secret Of The Rosary
by St. Louis De Montfort
(Catholic spirituality) [online book]

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