Things I’m Passionate About

Daily writing prompt
What are you passionate about?

I doubt that I will name here everything I’m passionate about,
but here are some of the things I’m especially passionate about.

I’m passionately pro-life, from conception to natural death.
I’m passionate about collecting things. There are, however,
some things I’m vividly uninterested in collecting, but I would
never disparage anyone who does collect those things.

I am passionate about the rights of nursing home residents to
be treated with kindness and with respect for their dignity and
their privacy.

I’m passionate about the protection of children.

I’m passionate, of course, about writing, and like most if
not all writers, I’m passionate about reading.

I’m passionate about animals, especially cats.
I’m passionate about chocolate, coffee, and ice cream.

Most of all, though, I’m passionate about my Catholic Faith,
around which my life revolves.

But I would never force my religion on others.

I was pro-life long before I became a Catholic.

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